- Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physics, 1989-
- Research Associate (post-doctoral position), 1987-1989
- Research Assistant, 1984-1987
- Teaching Assistant, 1983-1984
- Contract teacher for mathematics, 1982-1983
- Mathematics Department, Loma Linda University, Riverside, California
- Contract teacher for physics, 1981-1983
- Physics Department, Loma Linda University, Riverside, California
- High school math and science teacher, 1978-1980
- Volunteer high school math and science teacher, 1974-1975
- Ph.D., Nuclear Physics, 1987 — University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
- Thesis: Pion Scattering to 8- Stretched States in 60Ni [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory thesis LA-11213-T (March 1988)]
- B.A., Physics/Math, 1978 — Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska
- Additional course work taken at:
- University of New Mexico, Albuquerque — organic chemistry
- Faculty Travel Grant, Associated Western Universities (USDOE), 1990
- University Fellowship, University of Colorado, 1983
In the nuclear shell model, protons and neutrons (nucleons) orbit in nuclear shells in a way similar to electrons orbiting in atomic shells. The energy levels of the various nuclear shells can be studied by bombarding the nucleus with elementary particles (electrons, protons, pions, etc.) and then determining the energy of the scattered particle with a spectrometer. The energy gained in a nuclear transition to a higher energy level can be determined from the energy loss of the scattered particle. Some of the simpler transitions are to "stretched" states and are the ones my research has concentrated on.
Simple theoretical nuclear shell models have generally under-predicted the experimentally determined probability for these stretched transitions. The discrepancy has been addressed by using more complex theoretical nuclear shell models and by comparing experiments from a number of different nuclei with a variety of properties.
Experimental nuclear research has been conducted at the following particle accelerators:
- LAMPF Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility / at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- MIT-Bates Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Bates Linear Accelerator, Middleton, Massachusetts
- NIKHEF Nationaal Instituut voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- IUCF Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Bloomington, Indiana
- TRIUMF Tri-University Meson Facility, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- AGS Alternating Gradient Synchrotron / at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton (Long Island), New York
- JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Summary (October 1999)
Experimental papers on stretched states:
- Pion scattering to 6- stretched states in 32S B.L.Clausen, T.W.Johnson, R.A.Lindgren, K.Cromer, R.J.Peterson, A.D.Bacher, H.Ward, and A.L.Williams. Phys. Rev. C, v.55, p.625-639 (1997).
- Inelastic electron scattering from 18O at backward angles and DOWNLOAD R.M.Sellers, D.M.Manley, M.M.Niboh, D.S.Weerasundara, R.A.Lindgren, B.L.Clausen, M.Farkhondeh, B.E.Norum, and B.L.Berman. Phys. Rev. C, v.51, p.1926-1944 (1995).
- Identification of 4- states in the 14C(p,n)14N reaction at 135 MeV and DOWNLOAD L.A.C.Garcia, B.D.Anderson, D.M.Manley, A.R.Baldwin, R.Pourang, E.Steinfelds, J.W.Watson, R.A.Lindgren, B.L.Clausen, A.D.Bacher, and C.C.Foster. Phys. Rev. C, v.50, p.289-299 (1994).
- High resolution 162 MeV pion scattering to 6- stretched states in 26Mg B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, C.Kormanyos, J.E.Wise, A.B.Kurepin, and Y.K.Gavrilov. Phys. Rev. C, v.48, p.1632-1642 (1993).
- Pion scattering to 6- stretched states in 24Mg and 26Mg R.A.Lindgren, B.L.Clausen, G.S.Blanpied, J.Hernandez, C.S.Mishra, W.K.Mize, C.S.Whisnant, B.G.Ritchie, C.L.Morris, S.J.Seestrom-Morris, C.Fred Moore, P.A.Seidl, B.H.Wildenthal, R.Gilman, J.A.Carr. Phys. Rev. C, v.44, p.2413-2418 (1991).
- Electroexcitation of 6- states in 32S and DOWNLOAD B.L.Clausen, R.A.Lindgren, M.Farkhondeh, L.W.Fagg, D.I.Sober, C.W.deJager, H.deVries, N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki, B.L.Berman, K.S.Dhuga, J.A.Carr, F.Petrovich, and P.E.Burt. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.65, p.547-550 (1990).
- Analysis of pion scattering to stretched states in 60Ni and other nuclei using Woods-Saxon wave functions B.L.Clausen, J.T.Brack, M.R.Braunstein, J.J.Kraushaar, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, R.A.Ristinen, R.A.Lindgren, and M.A.Plum. Phys. Rev. C, v.41, p.2246-2256 (1990).
- Proton stripping to 8- stretched states in 52Cr R.J.Peterson, B.L.Clausen, and J.J.Kraushaar. Phys. Rev. C, v.40, p.553-558 (1989).
- Proton stripping to 8- stretched states in 60Ni R.J.Peterson, B.L.Clausen, J.J.Kraushaar, R.A.Lindgren, M.A.Plum, W.W.Jacobs, and H.Nann. Phys. Rev. C, v.35, p.495-502 (1987).
- Proton stripping to 6- stretched states of 26Al R.J.Peterson, B.L.Clausen, J.J.Kraushaar, H.Nann, W.W.Jacobs, R.A.Lindgren, and M.A.Plum. Phys. Rev. C, v.33, p.31-39 (1986).
Theoretical papers on stretched states:
- Electron scattering form factors of stretched transitions using Woods-Saxon wave functions B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, and R.A.Lindgren. Phys. Rev. C, v.38, p.589-600 (1988).
- Isovector excitation of 1-ħω stretched states in nuclei: effects of meson exchange currents, unbound wave functions, and knockout exchange amplitudes on the extraction of particle-hole strengths R.A.Lindgren, M.Leuschner, B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, M.A.Plum, and F.Petrovich. Can. J. Phys., v.65, p.666-676 (1987).
- Effects of Mesonic Exchange Currents, Unbound Wave Functions, and Knockout Exchange Amplitudes on the Extraction of Particle-Hole Strengths for 1-ħω Stretched States R.A.Lindgren, M.Leuschner, B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, M.A.Plum, and F.Petrovich, in Nuclear Structure at High Spin, Excitation, and Momentum Transfer (Indiana University), AIP Conf. Proc. No. 142, edited by H. Nann (AIP, New York, 1986), p.133-154.
Miscellaneous papers on nuclear physics:
- Limitations of the distorted-wave impulse approximation in describing the energy dependence of the 10B(n,p)10Be (g.s.) reaction D.S.Sorenson, J.L.Ullmann, A.Ling, B.K.Park, R.C.Haight, N.S.P.King, R.A.Lindgren, H.Baghaei, E.J.Stephenson, F.P.Brady, J.L.Romero, J.Rapaport, B.L.Clausen, C.Wuest, and F.Sammarruca. Phys. Rev. C, v.75, 034611, 11p (2007).
- Reaction mechanism for natural parity (p,p') transitions in 10B A.C.Betker, S.Chang, E.J.Stephenson, A.D.Bacher, S.M.Bowyer, W.A.Franklin, J.Liu, C.Olmer, D.L.Prout, S.P.Wells, S.W.Wissink, C.Yu, R.A.Lindgren, H.Baghaei, V.Gladyshev, J.A.Carr, S.K.Yoon, F.Petrovich, B.L.Clausen, and J.Lisantti. Phys. Rev. C, v.71, 064607, 12p (2005).
- Pion-nucleus spin-flip strength at low and resonance energies B.G.Ofenloch, R.A.Giannelli, B.G.Ritchie, J.M.ODonnell, J.N.Knudson, C.L.Morris, C.M.Kormanyos, A.Saunders, J.Z.Williams, R.A.Lindgren, and B.L.Clausen. Phys. Rev. C, v.55, p.1295-1303 (1997).
- Quasielastic K+ scattering and DOWNLOAD C.M.Kormanyos, R.J.Peterson, J.R.Shepard, J.E.Wise, S.Bart, R.E.Chrien, L.Lee, B.L.Clausen, J.Piekarewicz, M.B.Barakat, E.V.Hungerford, R.A.Michael, K.H.Hicks, and T.Kishimoto. Phys. Rev. C, v.51, p.669-679 (1995).
- K+-Nucleus Quasielastic Scattering DOWNLOAD C.M.Kormanyos, R.J.Peterson, J.R.Shepard, J.E.Wise, S.Bart, R.E.Chrien, L.Lee, B.L.Clausen, J.Piekarewicz, M.B.Barakat, R.A.Michael, and T.Kishimoto. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.71, p.2571-2574 (1993).
- Absolute differential cross sections and charge asymmetries for p±d elastic scattering at 65 MeV M.D.Kohler, J.T.Brack, B.Clausen, J.J.Kraushaar, B.J.Kriss, R.A.Ristinen, K.Vaziri, G.R.Smith, D.F.Ottewell, M.E.Sevior, R.P.Trelle, and N.R.Stevenson. Phys. Rev. C, v.44, p.15-23 (1991).
- Spin Transverse-Longitudinal Composition of the Isovector Effective NN Interaction from 10B(p,p') at 200 MeV H.Baghaei, R.A.Lindgren, P.Slocum, E.J.Stephenson, A.D.Bacher, S.Chang, J.Lisantti, J.Liu, C.Olmer, S.Wells, S.W.Wissink, B.L.Clausen, J.A.Carr, S.K.Yoon, and F.Petrovich. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.69, p.2054-2057 (1992).
- Pion charge exchange to the isovector giant dipole state at energies above the 3-3 resonance R.A.Loveman, B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, S.H.Rokni, H.W.Baer, A.G.Bergman, J.D.Bowman, F.Irom, C.J.Seftor, J.Alster, E.Piasetzky, J.N.Knudson, and U.Sennhauser. Phys. Rev. C, v.40, p.2710-2716 (1989).
- Isobaric-Analog-State Transitions in Pion Charge-Exchange Reactions above the D(1232) Resonance S.H.Rokni, H.W.Baer, A.G.Bergmann, J.D.Bowman, F.Irom, M.J.Leitch, C.J.Seftor, J.Alster, E.Piasetzky, B.L.Clausen, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, J.L.Ullmann, J.R.Comfort, J.N.Knudson, U.Sennhauser. Phys. Lett., v.202B, p.35-39 (1988).
- Pion scattering to collective excitations in 90Zr and 118Sn J.L.Ullmann, P.W.F.Alons, B.L.Clausen, J.J.Kraushaar, J.H.Mitchell, R.J.Peterson, R.A.Ristinen, R.L.Boudrie, N.S.P.King, C.L.Morris, J.N.Knudson, E.F.Gibson. Phys. Rev. C, v.35, p.1099-1113 (1987).
- Delta production by pion charge exchange on complex nuclei B.L.Clausen, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, R.A.Ristinen, J.L.Ullmann, and F.Irom. Phys. Rev. C, v.35, p.1028-1036 (1987).
- Distorted Wave Analyses of 10B(p+,p+') at 65 MeV B.G.Ofenloch, R.A.Giannelli, B.G.Ritchie, J.M.O'Donnell, C.L.Morris, J.N.Knudson, C.M.Kormanyos, A.Saunders, J.Z.Williams, R.A.Lindgren, and B.L.Clausen. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.39, p.1145 (1994).
- Scattering of Polarized Protons from 10B at 200 MeV H.Baghaei, R.A.Lindgren, E.J.Stephenson, A.D.Bacher, J.Lisantti, J.Liu, C.Olmer, S.P.Wells, S.W.Wissink, B.L.Claussen, J.A.Carr, F.Al-Halmoushi, and F.Petrovich. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.38, p.1846 (1993).
- The Energy Dependence of the Effective N-N Isovector Tensor Interaction Using the Stretched Transition from the 3+ Ground State of 10B to the 0+ Ground State of 10Be Over the Energy Range of 50 to 250 MeV D.S.Sorenson, F.P.Brady, B.Clausen, R.C.Haight, R.A.Lindgren, A.Ling, B.K.Park, J.Rapaport, J.L.Romero, J.L.Ullmann, and C.Wuest. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.38, p.1826 (1993).
- Electroexcitation of 4+ States in 18O D.M.Manley, R.M.Sellers, M.M.Niboh, R.A.Lindgren, B.L.Clausen, M.Farkhondeh, B.E.Norum, B.L.Berman. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.38, p.1820 (1993).
- Inelastic Pion Scattering on 10B at 65 MeV B.G.Ofenloch, R.A.Giannelli, B.G.Ritchie, J.M.O'Donnell, C.L.Morris, J.N.Knudson, C.Kormanyos, A.Saunders, J.Z.Williams, R.A.Lindgren, and B.L.Clausen. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.38, p.1817 (1993).
- Nuclear Response to Quasifree K+ Scattering C.M.Kormanyos, R.J.Peterson, J.R.Shepard, J.E.Wise, M.D.Holcomb, S.Bart, R.E.Chrien, L.Lee, B.L.Claussen, J.Piekarewicz, K.Hicks, R.Michael, M.Barakat, E.V.Hungerford, and T.Kishimoto. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.38, p.944 (1993).
- A Test of the Effective N-N Isovector Tensor Interaction from Bombarding Energies of 65 to 250 MeV using the Stretched State in the 10B(n,p)10Be gs Reaction D.S.Sorenson, F.P.Brady, B.Clausen, R.C.Haight, R.Lindgren, A.Ling, J.Rapaport, J.L.Romero, J.L.Ullmann, and C.Wuest. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.37, p.1299 (1992).
- Transverse-Longitudinal Composition of the Isovector Spin Dependent NN Interaction from DNN' R.A.Lindgren, H.Baghaei, P.Slocum, E.J.Stephenson, A.D.Bacher, S.Chang, J.Lisantti, J.Liu, C.Olmer, S.Wells, S.W.Wissink, B.L.Clausen, J.A.Carr, S.K.Yoon, and F.Petrovich. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.37, p.1257 (1992).
- Pion Scattering to 6- Stretched States in 26Mg B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, C.Kormanyos, M.Holcomb, R.Ristinen, J.Wise, A.Kurepin, Y.Gavrilov, R.A.Lindgren, K.Cromer, S.J.Greene, H.Ward, and A.Williams. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.37, p.916 (1992).
- Pion Scattering to 6- Stretched States in 32S B.L.Clausen, R.A.Lindgren, K.Cromer, R.J.Peterson, C.Kormanyos, A.D.Bacher, C.L.Morris, H.Ward, A.Williams, A.Kurepin, Y.Gavrilov, and L.W.Fagg. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.36, p.2132 (1991).
- Excitation of 0-ħω and 1-ħω Stretched-States in the 18O(p,n)18F and 30Si(p,n)30P Reactions at 135 MeV L.A.C.Garcia, B.D.Anderson, A.R.Baldwin, R.Madey, D.M.Manley, R.Pourang, E.Steinfelds, J.W.Watson, C.C.Foster, A.Bacher, R.Lindgren, and B.Clausen. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.36, p.2132 (1991).
- Measurements of s, A, P, and DNN' for 10B(p-polarized,p-polarized')10B Scattering at Ep=200 MeV H.Baghaei, R.A.Lindgren, E.J.Stephenson, A.D.Bacher, S.Chang, J.Lisantti, J.Liu, C.Olmer, S.Wells, S.W.Wissink, and B.L.Clausen. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.36, p.1351 (1991).
- Excitation of (d5/2, p3/2-1)4- Stretched-State Strength in the 14C(p,n)14N Reaction at 135 MeV L.A.C.Garcia, B.D.Anderson, A.R.Baldwin, R.Madey, D.M.Manley, R.Pourang, E.Steinfelds, J.W.Watson, C.C.Foster, A.Bacher, R.Lindgren, B.Clausen. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.35, p.1650 (1990).
- Electroexcitation of 4- and 6- States in 18O R.M.Sellers, D.M.Manley, R.A.Lindgren, B.L.Clausen, M.Farkhondeh, B.E.Norum, R.J.Peterson, B.L.Berman, C.E.Hyde-Wright. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.35, p.927 (1990).
- Measurement of p± Deuteron Elastic Scattering Cross Sections and Charge Asymmetries at 50 and 65 MeV R.A.Ristinen, M.D.Kohler, J.T.Brack, B.Clausen, J.J.Kraushaar, B.Kriss, K.Vaziri, G.R.Smith, D.F.Ottewell, M.Sevior, N.R.Stevenson. EPS Nuclear Physics Study Conference, Crete, Greece, May 20-26, 1990.
- Excitation of 4- States in 14C from Inelastic Scattering of 497 MeV Protons K.Cromer, B.L.Clausen, R.A.Lindgren, B.E.Norum, D.Dehnhard, M.K.Jones, S.K.Nanda, S.J.Seestrom-Morris, K.W.Jones, J.A.McGill, M.A.Plum, C.J.Harvey, P.A.Seidl, J.D.Zumbro, J.R.Comfort, and G.S.Adams. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.34, p.1829 (1989).
- Electroexcitation of 6- States in 30Si L.Knox, R.A.Lindgren, B.L.Clausen, B.Berman, D.Zubanov, M.Farkhondeh, L.W.Fagg, and M.Manley. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.34, p.1812 (1989).
- Pion Charge Exchange to Delta-Hole States of Complex Nuclei M.R.Braunstein, R.J.Peterson, J.T.Brack, M.D.Kohler, J.J.Kraushaar, D.S.Oakley, D.J.Rilett, R.A.Ristinen, J.N.Knudson, and B.L.Clausen. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.34, p.1204 (1989).
- Pion-Deuteron Elastic Scattering Cross Sections and Charge Asymmetries at 50 and 65 MeV K.Vaziri, J.T.Brack, B.Clausen, M.Kohler, J.J.Kraushaar, D.J.Rilett, R.A.Ristinen, D.F.Ottewell, M.Sevior, G.R.Smith, R.P.Trelle, and N.R.Stevenson. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.33, p.1606 (1988).
- Electroexcitation of 6- States in 32S L.W.Fagg, D.Sober, B.Clausen, R.Lindgren, B.Berman, K.Dhuga, C.deJager, H.deVries, N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki, P.Burt. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.33, p.1594 (1988).
- A Comparison of Results from an Analysis of Pion and Electron Scattering to Stretched States using Woods-Saxon and Harmonic Oscillator Wave Functions B.L.Clausen, R.A.Lindgren, J.T.Brack, M.P.Braunstein, J.J.Kraushaar, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, R.A.Ristinen, and M.A.Plum. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.33, p.1586 (1988).
- Pion-Nucleus Single Charge Exchange Reactions Above the (3,3) Resonance S.H.Rokni, H.W.Baer, J.D.Bowman, F.Irom, M.J.Leitch, J.Alster, E.Piasetzky, J.R.Comfort, J.N.Knudson, B.L.Clausen, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, J.L.Ullmann, A.G.Bergmann, C.J.Seftor, U.Sennhauser. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.32, p.1119 (1987).
- Pion Scattering to 8- Stretched States in 60Ni B.L.Clausen, J.T.Brack, M.P.Braunstein, J.J.Kraushaar, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, R.A.Ristinen, M.A.Plum, and R.A.Lindgren. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.32, p.1118 (1987).
- Systematics of High Energy Pion Single Charge Exchange Reactions S.H.Rokni, H.W.Baer, J.D.Bowman, F.Irom, M.J.Leitch, J.Alster, E.Piasetzky, J.R.Comfort, J.N.Knudson, B.L.Clausen, R.A.Loveman, R.J.Peterson, J.L.Ullmann, A.G.Bergmann, C.J.Seftor, U.Sennhauser. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.31, p.856 (1986).
- Excitation of 6- Stretched States by the 25Mg(a,t)26Al Reaction B.L.Clausen, R.J.Peterson, J.J.Kraushaar, H.Nann, and W.W.Jacobs. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., v.30, p.725 (1985).
LAST UPDATE: 24 May 2022